报告地点:腾讯会议ID:931 445 384
报告题目:Gaussian estimates for heat kernels of higher order Schroedinger operators with potentials in generalized Schechter class
报告摘要:Let L="P(D)+V" be a higher order Schroedinger operator on the Euclidean space with the potential V satisfying some generalized Schechter conditions. In this talk, we show that L possesses a heat kernel that satisfies the Gaussian upper bound and the Hoelder regularity. The Davies–Gaffney estimates for the associated semigroup and their local versions are also discussed. This is a joint work with Profs. Dachun Yang, Yu Liu and Chao Zhang.
专家简介:曹军,浙江工业大学应用数学系副教授,分析与几何研究团队成员。2014年7月博士毕业于北京师范大学数学科学学院。2017-2019年受国家留学基金委支持赴德国比勒费尔德大学做博士后。主要从事调和分析及其应用方向研究,相关结果发表在《Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.》、《J. Math. Pures Appl.》、《J. Fourier Anal. Appl.》、《J. Geom. Anal.》、《Sci. China Math.》等国内外期刊。